FlawedAmmyy is a remote access Trojan (RAT) which is based on leaked Ammyy Admin software. Ammyy Admin is a popular remote access tool used by businesses and consumers to handle remote control and diagnostics on Microsoft Windows machines which makes the FlawedAmmyy RAT to exhibit the functionality of the leaked version, including remote desktop control, file system manager, proxy support and audio chat.
FlawedAmmyy was used in both massive campaigns such as phishing campaigns, to potentially create a large base of compromised computers, as well as targeted campaigns that create opportunities for actors to steal customer data, proprietary information, and more. In the latest campaign of TA505 which is a prolific Cybercriminal group known for attacks against multiple financial institutions and retail companies, they started using HTML attachments to deliver malicious .XLS files that lead to downloader and backdoor FlawedAmmyy, mostly to target South Korean users.
Sample Information
Sample Type Windows Exe (x86-32)
Executive Summary
This malware is just a downloader for the actual encrypted malware to evade detection, it decrypts then executes it, also it enforces some persistence techniques according to the running environment to make sure that the malware would still be there in victim’s machine
Initial assessment
At Malware initial assessment using Pestudio and DIE (Detect it easy), it was found that the sample is Windows Exe (x86-32) and it has (Microsoft Visual C/C++(6.0)) compiler stamp
By analyzing the entropy of file sections, it looks like there is appended part on the exe (Overlay) that is packed and indirectly loaded after the malware is executed
To unpack the file, I used Unpac.me online service and it was able to extract the unpacked child
Unpacked Sample basic information
MD5 :71b183a44f755ca170fc2e29b05b64d5
SHA1: 67fc3717e0ea134599633e1e7e8daf6cc0857f99
We can find lots of interesting API calls which is able to manipulate Registry, Files & Execute processes … etc
If we examine the strings of malware, we can identify a lot of malicious strings that give us information about the behavior of the malware and what it tries to do on a system.
These strings are combination of CMD commands, URL, System Paths, Files.
Cmd commands are used to query domain controller and manipulate windows services.
URL is for a file to be downloaded apparently
And some interested paths and files
Dynamic analysis using sandbox
Using any.run service it was found that the malware is querying the domain controller for the machine, then it deletes itself.
Looking at HTTP requests, it tried to download a file but the server didn’t respond, so this clarifies why it deleted itself from the system at the first place
Analysis part
*All functions were renamed by me to easy explanations
The first variable v18 is calling a function to get the Major & Minor version of the windows in order to identify the windows version
The next 2 functions (EraseTape which is used to erase Tape storage, GetPrinterA retrieves information about a specified printer), They were put there for no reason cause 0 is passed in handle argument which is invalid handle for Tape or Printer. So, we can say that they were put as a distraction.
Then the if condition (sub_411260) it executes (net group /domain)* to check the domain name you are inside and check whether it’s WORKGROUP and returns true if it is, but this if condition is always TRUE because the OR condition with both return and the compliment, one of them will be TRUE
Delete_wsus_exe function
At first it executes (SHGetSpecialFolderPathA) it retrieves the path of a special folder, identified by its CSIDL, 0x23 CSIDL refers to CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA which is the file system directory containing application data for all users. Aka (C:\ProgramData) it appends it then to both paths shown on image above
And then delete the wsus.exe file, this behavior is associated with removing previous versions or instances of the malware if it was already running.
Check_If_Admin function: -
This function wasn’t called directly, But it was dynamically resolved and this how it looked like
After tracing inside this function
By setting a breakpoint on the return of the (sub_401540) and checking the return value we can find that
It loaded Shell32_IsUserAnAdmin
Then it checks whether the malware was executed with an admin privilege
Terminate process function
As it appears it takes a snapshot of processes already running and loop on them till it find “wsus.exe”, If so, it would terminate it
The three subroutines were resolved using the same method explained before
Then it tries to delete it once more
exec_cmd function
This function executes a CMD commands and this one was resolved for shell32_ShellExecuteW and by running this as CMD command “net.exe stop foundation” it stops “foundation” service and then it deletes it using “sc delete foundation”
Once more it terminates “wsus.exe” if it’s running.
It creates then “C:\ProgramData\Nugets”
Then it resolves the “user32_wsprintfA” by loading the library first then the function and setting it to a pointer variable.
Then it uses CoCreateGuid to create a unique identifier for the victim
Then it deletes the file “C:\ ProgramData\Nuggets\template_??.TMPTMPZIP7” for the purpose of old instances cleaning
?? refers to the (guid.Part3 + guid.Part1 * guid.Part2)
Let’s continue with the code
As we can see file_downloader_write is called and it’s the function responsible for downloading the malware, The reference passed to this function as highlighted is the reference for the URL
It loads the lib “wininet.dll” then “InternetReadFile , InternetOpenA, InternetOpenUrlA” functions were resolved also to visit and download it to “C:\ ProgramData\Nuggets\template_??.TMPTMPZIP7”
I looked at Shodan to check whether there is any information about this IP address but it seems negative
So, at this time I needed to emulate the download server, instead of using FakeNet I have setup a loopback adapter to redirect that specific IP to localhost and configured it’s Ip to, Then I used Python SimpleHTTPServer to serve the file.
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
Then the file was opened and handle was passed to “hfile”
Then it reads the file content and pass a point to “lpbuffer”
It then checks if the file size is more than 4Kb , is so delete the existed “wsus.exe”
Decrypt_File function
The file downloaded was encrypted to be able to evade antiviruses catching it in the way, So it decrypts it in house to be able to use it
The decryption key used in the function is “Porow2uj548423”
Create the decoding array function
Then how is this working?
At first it creates an array of length 256 and initiate it with numbers from [0>255] in sequence
a[0] = 0 , a[1] = 1 …… therefore a[j] = j until it loops 256 times
v7 += j + dec_key[v8]
v6 =j
a[j] = a[v7]
a[v7]=v6=j therefore a[v7] = j
The variable v8 keeps increasing till it reaches the (secret key) length then it’s set to 0 again, after it ends, the decoding matrix constructed from the word should be like the illustration below
Decryption function
As we can see the length of this array is 256 so in the second function which makes the actual decryption extends the usage & edits it to the file length to fit, so the current 2 factors affecting the actual encryption XOR key is Downloaded file length & the initial word passed into the first function
v5, v6 , v7 are int8 so their max num is 256 then it overflows and start from beginning
At first variable v6, v7 are initiated with value 0, the decryption algorithm loop till it reaches the end of the downloaded file, noting that variable v7 is increased by one every iteration, simplified pseudo code is shown downside for more illustration
V6+= decoding_arr[v7]
V5 = decoding_arr[v7]
decoding_arr[v7] = decoding_arr[v6]
decoding_arr[v6] = v5 = decoding_arr[v7]
EncryptedFile[i] Xor decoding_arr[decoding_arr[v6]+decoding_array[v7]]
Returning back to main function analysis
Then it checks whether the decryption was done correctly or not by checking the magic bytes “MZ” on the decrypted file buffer then checks for admin privileges
if it’s not admin
it will open the file “wsus.exe” and then delete “C:\ ProgramData\Nuggets\template_??.TMPTMPZIP7” file
Then deletes the file which is executing
If it has admin privilege then it will continue to the next function.
Persistence function
At first it resolves “SHGetSpecialFolderPathW” api using its ordinal number 175.
- If the process was opened by admin privileges, then it will use service persistence technique
constructs the previous “wsus.exe” path like before. And it stops and deletes “foundation” service, and then it creates a service with the same name and configure it to be started automatically when widows start
- If the process doesn’t have that privilege, then it will add wsus.exe to auto startup registry
Create a registry value in “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Run” which makes the files auto executed on the startup
The entry name will be IntelProtected
Then the running file is deleting itself and it ends :)
Indicator of compromises
C:\ ProgramData\Nuggets\template_??.TMPTMPZIP7
C:\ ProgramData\Nuggets\wsus.exe
?? refers to the (guid.Part3 + guid.Part1 * guid.Part2)
Startup Registry
- Path : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Run\
Name : IntelProtected
Value : C:\ProgramData\wsus.exe
- Foundation service, auto executes this file on startup C:\ProgramData\NuGets\wsus.exe