Remcos or Remote Control and Surveillance, marketed as a legitimate software by a Germany-based firm Breaking Security for remotely managing Windows systems is now widely used in multiple malicious campaigns by threat actors
Sample info
Malware family: Remcos RAT
MD5 hash: 5E9770C2B22B03E5726285900AFAB954
Initial assessment
At Malware initial assessment using PE-Studio
It looks like
This sample is .NET sample
This sample contains the magic byte “MZ” which means it’s executable
Follows x32 architecture
By using DIE to analyze each section entropy
We can conclude that both (.text , .rsrc) are packed
At first let’s start analyzing this file using dnspy
The first interesting things we can observe from this image are “Costura” & “compressed” strings!
So, the first question we should ask ourselves. What is Costura?
Costura is an addon responsible for Embedding dependencies as resources on extensible tool for weaving .net assemblies called Fody, it is also loads itself with the same technique. After, reaching it’s github project https://github.com/Fody/Costura they also clarified that “Embedded assemblies are compressed by default” so “compressed” string makes sense now.
By opening “Campos.properties.resources” resource we can find
As we clarified before they are compressed so there is no reason to check them. But as a head up the malware maybe reside in one of them.
So, we should keep track of decompression/decryption and assembly loading functions to be able to unpack it.
Execution analysis
We can see there that it accesses the resource (MainWindow.nabexx + MainWindow.nabexx+ MainWindow.nabexx == “XX” +”XX” + “XX” == “XXXXXX”)
It decrypts it using AES algorithm using the resource (XX) as key
Then it loads it into the memory
By extracting the two resources (XX, XXXXXX) and using this simple python script, we can check what is loaded into the memory.
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
fk = open("XX", "rb")
key = fk.read()
bf = open("XXXXXX", "rb")
file = bf.read()
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
new_file = open("file" , "wb")
Continuing the analysis
It looks like it calls function X from Class1 passing the loaded assembly on it
Then it invokes the first method on the loaded assembly.by adding a watch on X.getMethods()[0]
It looks like that it invoked Function Void X() on X class on the loaded assembly
Let’s go through extracted and loaded file analysis
Extracted file Analysis
File initial assessment
MD5 Hash : 544D12F82787E4453E68906610453093
using PE-Studio
It looks like
This sample is .NET sample
This sample contains the magic byte “MZ”, file type is DLL
Follows x32 architecture
By using DIE to analyze each section entropy
We can conclude that both .text section is packed
At first let’s start analyzing this file using dnspy
As we have concluded before in the previous sample, it could be using the same technique and there is something packed on these resources and it decrypts it then it is loaded into memory.
Execution analysis
As we have concluded in the previous section, Function Void X() in class X was executed
It passes the executed file to the main function resided in LOL class
For the second time, It it decrypting a resources and loading it them to the memory, But life is too short to trace both unpacking functions .so, We are going to replicate this code snippet into VSCode and extract both files by writing them to disk after decryption
Analyzing Second file
File initial assessment
MD5 hash: 06BD2C0097E3CFC03B530BA1391846E3
using PE-Studio
It looks like
This sample contains the magic byte “MZ”, file type is DLL
Follows x32 architecture
By using DIE to
It looks like
It’s .NET sample
This file is not packed
At first let’s start analyzing this file using dnspy
By checking the main function there, it looks that this DLL is loaded before the actual malware unpacking, to check for active antiviruses and use it to avoid original malware detection
Analyzing third file
File initial assessment
MD5 hash: 5987997662571356AE78251EA3F44C5E
using PE-Studio
It looks like
This sample is C++ sample
This sample contains the magic byte “MZ”, and it’s executable
Follows x32 architecture
By using DIE to analyze each section entropy
Then finally this is the unpacked malware